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Get to Know TrackOne Studio
This month, our newest friend, TrackOne Studio, became the latest company to join an industry-leading lineup of global education software verticals under the Volaris Group umbrella, including Softlink, Edge Learning, Furlong, Prima, Edumate, and TASS. Volaris is focused on developing and holding onto its acquisitions for life, which allows us to build strong relationships with these education verticals.
The TASS team is excited to work more closely with TrackOne and is looking forward to the innovations this partnership will bring.
In this blog, we caught up with Phillip Budd, Operations Director at TrackOne Studio, for a quick Q&A to learn more about what TrackOne is all about.
When was TrackOne Studio founded?
“TrackOne Studio began its life as ‘SharePoint Learning Solutions’ in 2012 when Kathleen Perrott founded the business. SharePoint Learning Solutions focused on developing Microsoft SharePoint components for education.
Kathleen developed a number of successful products, including a set of integrated educational data components that allowed teaching staff to combine data from the various Student Information Systems and external sources. The components provided new and innovative solutions for schools and included modules to support deep analysis and Academic Mentoring.
In 2014, SharePoint Learning Solutions became TrackOne Studio and began to focus exclusively on developing educational data analysis solutions. Kathleen created the Learning Analytics Suite and worked with me to market the solution.
During this time, the application transitioned from being purely a Microsoft SharePoint application and began to support additional Student Information Systems and Learning Management Systems.
In 2017, TrackOne Studio became TrackOne Studio Pty Ltd - the company you know today. The team further expanded to include John Oxley and continued to refine the application, introducing sophisticated new analytics features including the Academic Awards module, Student Wellbeing Module, and the Parent and Student Portals.”
What does your product, the Learning Analytics Suite, provide schools?
“The Learning Analytics Suite provides schools with a comprehensive educational data analysis solution, which combines data from internal sources (such as Student Information Systems and Learning Management Systems) and external sources (such as standardised and diagnostic tests) in real-time, to facilitate the analysis of student, subject, and cohort data.”
What is the company's overall goal?
“Our goal is to transform school data into information that educators at every level can use to gain insights into student, subject, and school performance.
TrackOne Studio and the Learning Analytics Suite support the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and provide tools by which teachers can co-ordinate student performance using internal and external student assessment data to improve teaching practice.”
Why did you proceed with the Volaris acquisition, and what does it mean for you?
“With Volaris, TrackOne Studio will be better placed to grow and create the next generation of educational data analysis tools. Volaris provides us with a structure to expand our reach and additional resources to grow our team. It will allow us to focus on our passion – making data work for schools.”
What's next for TrackOne Studio?
“The TrackOne Studio team will continue to provide schools with high-quality tools for educational data analysis. We are focusing on several areas, including developing sophisticated components to allow predictive analysis of student performance and components to further facilitate goal setting and well-being tracking.
A strong focus will be on allowing teachers, students, and parents to interact together with academic, extra-curricular and pastoral data and create informed, data-driven learning pathways.”